High Standarized Test Scores and Quality Advice
Accessible for All Students
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a need for us to support our community in its education.
We want to help all students, especially those disproportionately affected by the pandemic, reach their full potential in their academics. Currently, we have over 130 students in our Discord and over 500 hours tutored (and counting)!
"This group makes it easier to fight the difficulty of studying for the SHSAT and have a group where people going through the same thing and can help each other using the app Discord!" - Ariella (8th grade)
"The Queens 24/7 Prep is a fantastic program that helps students with their struggles. This program has immensely enhanced my academics, and struggles throughout quarantine. The tutors are extremely friendly, qualified in their academics, and they will help suffice your needs." - Crystal (8th grade)
Check out our youtube channel below!
24/7 Online Tutoring
Through our discord server, we will be able to provide 24/7 advice and solutions to any homework or test prep material.
SHSAT Program
Our tutors have a minumum SHSAT score of 580, with many scoring over 600. We have created a program and study plan that we believe will secure a high test grade in the SHSAT and gain admittance to NYC's top high schools.
High School Advice
Our tutors will be able to discuss diverse extracurriculars and will give the best study tips and productivity hacks to help you have the best high school experience possible.
One on One Tutoring and Classes
We will provide you with a highly qualified personal tutor. We will have live streams for interested students to learn more about different subjects such as the SHSAT, high school life, and tips and tricks for success.
Who We Are
Queens 24/7 Prep was founded during the Coronavirus pandemic. We want to be able to support our community in their academics, especially during these difficult times when our online zoom classes are not sufficient for substantial learning.
Our Discord
Our discord server is the best way to get fast responses in homework help and advice. We will also be hosting live streams. Join by clicking the button below.